- R. Gupta, An Internally-Referenced Optical Biosensor, Pittcon, USA.
- R. Gupta, Biosensing By Direct Observation of Leaky Waveguide Modes, Photon 2020, UK.
- N.J. Goddard, R. Gupta, Biosensing By Direct Observation of Leaky Waveguide Modes, Europtrode, Poland.
- R. Gupta, Biosensor for Determining Average Iron Content of Ferritin by Measuring its Optical Dispersion, Photonics West BiOS, USA.
- R. Gupta, Integration of Electrophoresis with Optical Biosensors for Speed and Sensitivity, C3Bio Conference on Biosensors, Bioelectronics and Biodevices, University of Bath, UK.
- H. Dixon, R. Gupta, Point-of-Care Biosensor for Judicious Use of Antibiotics, Bright Spark Symposium, Brighton, UK.
- R. Gupta, Aqueous Photochemistry for the Fabrication of Grating Sensors in Hydrogels, UK-Italian Joint Meeting on Photochemistry, Italy.
- R. Gupta, An Internally-Referenced Optical Biosensor, Pittcon, USA.
- R. Gupta, Optical Sensor for Wound Diagnostics, EuChemS Chemistry Congress, UK.
- S. Nandanwar, RGupta, Materials for Wound Dressings with Embedded Sensors, Analytical Research Forum, UK.
- R. Gupta, Optical Biosensors, Recent Appointees in Physical Chemistry, Manchester, UK.
- R. Gupta, An Optical Biosensor for Measuring Serum Ferritin, Europtrode, Austria.
- R. Gupta, Real Time Monitoring of Living Cells Using an Optical Biosensor, Analytical Biosciences ECR, 2016, UK.
- R. Gupta, A Novel Leaky Waveguide Device for Biosensing, Europtrode, Greece.