
We are keen to communicate our research to a wide variety of audiences (such as fellow researchers, families, policy markers, charities, funding bodies) and encourage young people to consider careers in STEM. We have contributed to the following outreach activities.

2020 - IET Look at Me Now Initiative
2020 - ChemBAM Meet the Scientists Initiative
2020 - Cafe Scientifique (postponed because of Covid -19)
2019 - EPSRC show case event
2019 - Lapworth Lates (Theme - adventure)
2019 - Research poster conference
2019 - STEM for Britain (Chemistry)
2019 - STEM for Britain (Physics)
2019 - Think Tank
2019 - IUPAC Global Women’s Breakfast
2013 - Ogden Trust Science Ambassadors’ Dinner
2012 - British Science Festival
2011 - Thought for Food
2009 - Engenious stories project