We are always keen to work with motivated and talented researchers. Funded PhD and PDRA positions are advertised on the group webpage below, FindAPhD.com and jobs.ac.uk.
Prospective PhD students: We are currently advertising PhD projects titled “A Wearabe Biosensor for Personalised Medicine“, “A Point-of-Care Biosensor for Personalised Medicine” and “Microlasers for Biological Sensing“. If you are interested in these projects and/or have other research ideas in the field of chemical and biological sensing, please get in touch with Dr Ruchi Gupta via email at r.gupta.3@bham.ac.uk. Please include your CV and transcripts. Or you can make a formal application by following this link.
Please click here for details of scholarships that University of Birmingham offers for postgraduate students.
Prospective PDRAs: Please see below for possible fellowship opportunities to consider. If you would like to discuss research ideas to apply for fellowships, please get in touch with Dr Ruchi Gupta via email at r.gupta.3@bham.ac.uk. Please include your CV.
- Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship
- Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship
- Newton International Fellowship
- RAEng Research Fellowship
Short-term visits: Please see below for possible opportunities to consider for short-term (6-12 months) visits to the research group. If you would like to discuss research ideas to apply for these opportunities, please get in touch with Dr Ruchi Gupta via email at r.gupta.3@bham.ac.uk. Please include your CV.